This is the homepage of Alexandros (Alex) Rigos.
I am an economic theorist working at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm. I am also affiliated with the Department of Economics at Lund University. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Leicester, which I earned in 2016.
My main research interests lie in information acquisition and information disclosure, and the evolution of behavior and preferences in strategic settings. In order to address questions therein, I use game theory as well as laboratory experiments to test the predictions of theoretical models.
My research is funded by Handelsbankens forskingsstiftelser.
Please have a look at my projects or my Google Scholar profile.
You can also download my CV.
LEG (Learning, Evolution, and Games) Conferences
The Learning, Evolution, and Games (LEG) conferences aim to bring together researchers working on topics relating to evolution and learning in games.
The conference series began with LEG2018 in Lund, followed by LEG2019 at Bar-Ilan, LEG2021, which took place online, LEG2022 at IMT Lucca, LEG2023 in Amsterdam, and LEG2024 in Brisbane.